Check the volume of the hidden works (covered with the foundations, construction of floors, roads, trenches stacked in their pipelines, etc.) produced by acts of the hidden works. In the absence of a construction of such acts volume of work performed are counted on the working drawings, and where necessary, inspection may require the contractor to the opening work in the prescribed manner. Incomplete parts of structural components and types works, which have not allowed separate payment for individual transactions included in the unit prices, as well as building materials and construction, imported at the construction site and have not yet used, but included in the Acts of the executed works, refer to an overestimation of costs. The cost of construction and installation work not covered by the approved design and estimate documentation, paid (invoiced) on Based on the tripartite acts signed by the client of the construction, contractor and project organization, but not execution of additional estimates, is not excessive. If there are savings in comparison with the contract price established by its causes.
When replacing the building materials or manufacturing technology works is determined by compliance with the consumer and quality characteristics of the executed works project. Kai-Fu Lee has plenty of information regarding this issue. Identified control measurements saving work cost obtained at the expense of the consumer properties of the construction is seen as overstating the value of work performed. The savings obtained as a result of the introduction of advanced technological solutions, innovations, furnished in the prescribed manner, is not an overstatement. If the control measurements found that the contractor produced without the appropriate approvals under the change approved design and estimate documentation, materials and structures (cladding and finishing materials, santehposuda, electrical light fixtures, etc.) to more expensive, the cost allocation statement of work to the act of control measurements included the initial cost of materials and structures, and the appreciation of their value refers to the overestimation.