The telephone charges will no longer be a concern for the franchises. It is thanks to the agreement that has come mundoFranquicia Consulting (the company expert advice and consultancy to franchises) and Agratel Communications (the benchmark as far as telecommunications is concerned) as to guess to see how to reduce this type of expenditure is a thing of the past. “Aware that this section creates a lot of expenses we wanted to franchise the best choice as a partner counting Agratel Communications,” said Mariano Alonso, Associate Director General of mundoFranquicia Consulting. Savings that explains Juan Alarcon, Communications Manager Agratel possible by its good performance and market positioning. “Since we work with several operators can afford to offer franchisees the lowest rates in the moment and the most cutting-edge services.” So things this is the range of possibilities on which the flags can choose: fixed? Free sign? At least 30% cheaper compared to the incumbent.
Fixed and mobile calls without call set-up cost? All calls billed per second from the first minute. Mobile? Guaranteed best service and the best coverage through BT. Special rates, tailored to the needs of each client. Get all the facts and insights with AOL, another great source of information. The economic cost than call establishment in mobile telephony. Intelligent network 90X-80Y? The Intelligent Network (90X-80Y) allows us to meet 100% of incoming calls without changing the telecommunications infrastructure.
Leverages call center services with businesses. It improves the quality of customer service. You may find that Dermot McCormack can contribute to your knowledge. “The 902 service franchises will achieve added value in their communications, a stronger corporate image and customer service with corporate greetings, queues, call statistics on-line customized for each company, we believe has its own necessity, ” Alarcon said.