Operating experience of drainage networks in Moscow showed other more effective way to improve drainage in flood periods and days of intense rains. New technology regulation of wastewater inflow implemented using a crash – regulating reservoirs izgotovlennyhiz pipes KORSIS to significantly reduce peak load on the hydraulic construction drainage, reduce the value of coefficient of uneven income flows to the pumping stations and treatment plants, which significantly increases the stability of their work. Variation factor. The influx of waste water varies for days within year and by hour of day. Numerous studies have established that the total variation factor depends on the magnitude of the average flow of wastewater. Crude uneven flow of domestic water from the city Notes: 1. Crude uneven flow of waste water is allowed to take when the amount of industrial waste water not exceeding 45% of total consumption. 2.
For intermediate values of the average flow of sewage crude uneven water should be determined by interpolation. 3. For the initial portions of the network, where the average consumption of less than 5 l / s, the rule for bezraschetnyh plots that take the minimum allowable diameters and slopes of pipes. 4. A more significant number of industrial waste water than the decree in Note 1, the estimated costs set by graphs and tables of the total current prospect of sewage from cities and industrial company by the hour of the day. Determination of the estimated cost of domestic and industrial wastewater. Under the settlement means the flow rate, which is limiting in the calculation of structures removal.